Mr. Chef
– Goat Meat
Seasoning for Soup & Stew
Size: 8g
This unique blend of Goat Meat Mix which gives the dish an appealing aroma and taste of Goat.
It is a rich formulation containing a strong beef flavor that gives irresistible taste and aroma to your meals
It has a very strong natural aroma of Goat Meat
Comparison with Competitors’ Product
- It contains Ginger-Onion-Garlic compared to others with only Ginger and Garlic
- It has 6g pack size and also has 100g pack size
- It has a distinctive aroma and taste of Ginger-Onion- Garlic compared to other competitors product
Cooking Instruction
Put all your ingredients into the pot
Start cooking all the ingredients.
Sprinkle Mr. Chef Goat Meat Seasoning Powder in it for delightful taste and aroma.
Stir and simmer until your meal is ready
Serve with love and enjoy
User Benefits
It gives the meal unique and strong aroma and taste of goat even if the actual goat meat is not being used for cooking.
It is affordable (cheap), available and economical
It can be re-used after opening without changing its form
Used for soups, stews, Peppersoup (Goat Meat)